availability). If this is the case, we will notify the Guest as soon as possible and make every reasonable effort to ensure you are satisfied with the alternative accommodation provided. More often than not, this move results in a free upgrade for our Guests.
Yes, apartment photos displayed on Holiday Rentals Surfers Paradise were taken internally from within the subject apartment.
Yes, the availability calendars are updated whenever a new booking has been processed.
Unless prior arrangements have been made, check-in time is after 2.00 pm, and checkout is no later than 10.00 am. On departure, the property should be left in a similar state to its condition on arrival.
Upon departure, please return all keys and FOB sets to our office at the end of your stay.
Please refer to our location guide, which you can access at https://hrsp.com.au/office.pdf
Parking is a valuable commodity in Surfers Paradise! Unfortunately, though our best efforts are made to ensure each guest has access to one (sometimes two) free car parks, direct guests of the resorts mistakenly park in our car spaces. In these circumstances, please park where you can for the interim time. If you are a guest of our Orchid Residences, please feel welcome to park anywhere marked with a red “H”. For all other resorts, please photograph the registration of the car parked in your space and forward this to us via email. This will be forwarded to resort reception for their information and attention as soon as possible.
- Licenced by the Government (LN3219610) http://www.fairtrading.qld.gov.au/
- Tertiary Qualified
- Members of professional bodies, including REIQ (LN 61257), FAICD and CDA.
- Own residential and commercial property portfolios
The Owners of the apartments listed on Holiday Rentals Surfers Paradise have appointed Tony Boulden, [(Trading as Holiday Rentals Surfers Paradise BN 21271562) ABN 22 618 705 680], a fully licensed real estate agent (LN 321 9610) who is accredited by the REIQ (Real Estate Institute of Queensland #61257) to manage the property on their behalf and receive the rental money. This is done independently from booking providers/ wholesalers, who provide marketing and promotional services regarding the apartments. The law in Queensland requires real estate agents to bank monies received from all real estate transactions into a trust account that is subject to regular audits. This ensures that your deposit and rental money are protected. The law regulating real estate transactions in Queensland is the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000. The Act is specific in its stipulation that other than the respective property owner, only a licensed person or an employee of a licensed person can make representations to the public regarding properties for rent. The holiday rental of apartments listed here is conducted in accordance with the law and, when applicable, is managed by a fully licensed real estate agent who is accredited by the REIQ (Real Estate Institute of Queensland) and appointed to manage the properties and receive the rental money on behalf of their owners. The Real Estate Agency Practice Code of Conduct forms a part of Property Agents and Motor Dealers Regulation 2001 and is enforceable by law. The Code of Conduct enforces best practice procedures for agents who let and manage properties. It also requires licensees to deal fairly, honestly, professionally and ethically with customers. REIQ accreditation ensures that the agency is committed to upholding the REIQ standards of Business Practice, formalised through continuing professional development and training. REIQ members follow an additional Code of Ethics set by the REIQ, which specifically requires members to notify REIQ of any charges of unethical practice against them and provide all relevant facts and documents to the Institute for investigation and judgment. Please visit www.reiq.com.au for more information.
Please note: While we make every effort to ensure that this information is current and kept up to date, this information may change without notice.